April 2024 Board Meeting

Couch R-I School District Board Meeting
Thurs., Apr. 11, 2024 @ 6 p.m.
Immediately to follow the reorganization meeting

  1. Monthly Business
    1. Approve Agenda
    2. Approve Consent Agenda
      1. Minutes from March meeting
      2. Activities Report
      3. Revenue and Expense Report
      4. Invoice Register
      5. Authorization to Pay Bills
      6. Administrative Reports
        1. Elementary
        2. High School
        3. Superintendent
  2. New Business
    1. Senior Trip Update (Destini Ball, Lisa Crowder)
    2. JAG Annual Update
    3. Approve MSBA Full Maintenance agreement for 24-25
    4. Approve Summer Food Program SSO
    5. Approve Summer School Budget
    6. Approve Non-Certified Salary Schedule 24-25
    7. Approve School Bus Routes for 24-25
    8. Approve matching funds for the post secondary advisor position for 24-25
    9. Discussion of Teacher Appreciation Week
    10. Review bids for the ranch trailer furnace
    11. Approve Speech Therapy Contract
  3. Executive Session
    1. Personnel
    2. Student
    3. Classified Employees
  4. Adjourn Session
  5. Adjourn Open Session
Recognition Meeting Agenda
  1. Call to Order
  2. Dissolve old board
  3. Accept election results
  4. Swear in members
  5. Reorganize
    1. Conduct the election of the president
    2. Conduct the election of the vice president
    3. Conduct the election of the secretary and treasurer
    4. Appoint secretary for open session
  6. Adjourn
April 2021
Elected Board Members
First Elected Present Term
Election Date
Present Term
Ending Date
Jeffrey Roberts 4/2/2019 4/2022 4/2025
Nicole Roy 4/2/2019 4/2022 4/2025
Thomas Smith 4/1/2014 4/2023 4/2026
Anthony Thomas McIntare 4/4/2023 4/2023 4/2026
Brent Morgan 6/2/2020 4/2023 4/2026
David Newman 4/3/2018 4/2024 4/2027
Derrick Bennett 4/3/2018 4/2024 4/2027



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 Main Office, 417-938-4212    Fax Line, 417-938-4267